Join or Renew

For 25 years, Friends of Leclaire has worked to preserve, protect, and enhance the historic, social, and architectural heritage of Leclaire through advocacy, education, and community involvement. To continue our mission, we rely on the generous support of our members. 








N.O. Nelson Society


Membership Benefits and Giving Levels

$25 Family Membership

Your gift at this level includes a subscription to our quarterly newsletter.

$50 Advocate Membership

Join the Friends of Leclaire at this level today and receive all of the benefits of Family Membership, plus new members will receive a free Friends of Leclaire totebag.


$100 Patron

Members at this level will receive two free passes to the historic 1820 Benjamin Stephenson House as well as a free Friends of Leclaire totebag when you join today.

$500 Nelson Society

Join at the Nelson Society Level and receive a copy of the book "Lelcaire: An illustrated History," one t-shirt, two tickets to the Benjamin Stephenson House, and a free Friends of Leclaire totebag.